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Cancellation & No Show Policy


Due to an increase in clients and lack of appointment availability, we have decided to implement and enforce a new appointment cancellation and no show policy.

  • We now require 24 hour notice for cancellation of a scheduled routine or sick pet appointment, and 48 hour notice for cancellation of a scheduled surgery or dental appointment

  • Fees for short notice cancellations:

    • Routine appointments: $28

    • Sick pet appointments: $50

    • Surgery or dental: $75

  • Fees for no call, no show appointments:

    • Routine appointments: $30

    • Sick pet appointments: $75

    • Surgery or dental: $100

  • Non-refundable deposit required after missed appointments to reschedule:

    • Routine appointment: $50

    • Sick pet appointment: $75

    • Surgery or dental: $150

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